Simplifying Enterprise Technology™

Access Controls

Setting access parameters within your place of business determining which, where and when people are allowed to enter and/or exit specific areas can be customized using an Access Control System.

Small profile “card readers” are installed at the access point which is typically a door. A user (with proper credentials) presents either a key fob or access card to the reader which grants or denies access to a controlled area. Access control solutions can be as simplistic as a single-entry card reader or complex as installing a card readers on many doors within a facility, turnstyles, elevators or other physical barriers. The card readers are connected back to controllers that will process the request.

This solution as it can be IP enabled, can be managed locally by an administrator or by MidPoint. The administrator of the system will have the ability to control, create, or delete user access to any card reader. MidPoint can integrate your access control and video surveillance system using a single platform for unified management and administration experience simply using a web browser.

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